Oct. 2010
After many many months of studying and dreaming, the journey that started what seemed an eternity ago, Nordcap to Capetown, was about to continue.
Through the power of the internet and the combined wisdom of hundreds of like-minded people ( contributors to " Horizons Unlimited ") I had become an expert in the art of overland motorcycle travel. The only problem was that I don't have a bike.
As I hadn't been near a bike for a number of years the prudent thing would be to aquire something manageable. Having never been overprudent I scoured the bikes for sale online and found a BMW R1150GSA advertised by a garage in Bradford and decided that would fit the bill nicely, especially if it never fell over.
19 NOV. 2010
The salesman must have thought I had been let out for the day when I agreed to buy the bike without trying it,He agreed to remove the alarm ,give the bike a full service and store it until I could get back to pick it up in January,when I intended to ride it to Morocco.This was to be a shake down trip for me rather than the bike.
Visited Hein Gericke and kitted myself out for the trip.Left with everything needed to complete RTW, Helmet, gloves,boots and touring suit. My wallet was considerably lighter but hey, it was peanuts compared to the pleasure it was to bring. How nice to shop where people care that you have the right kit and are prepared to go out of their way to help.
Arrive at dealers, borrowed a pair of scissors to cut the labels off my brand new gear and prayed that I would get off the forecourt without dropping the bike.
After a few important questions such as how do you open the paniers and where does the petrol go, i stuffed my civilion clothes away and clambered aboard.
I eventually managed to rock the bike off the centre stand, started the engine and wobbled away headed for the challenge of motorway travel. Luckily i had enough fuel that i could travel far enough to get enough confidence to stop at a service area to fill up.
Onward I battled until I reached the first stop at my brothers house.After witnessing my lack of agility dismounting and getting the bike onto its stand i don't think he had much confidence in the success of the challenges ahead.
The shake down trip passed largely without incident and a few lessons were learnt such as how to clean ice off the seat before setting off in freezing fog.
Sitting in an hotel in La Jonquera just over the Spanish border i was reflecting and thinking I was in heaven when i saw a flashing light illuminating Paradise at the other side of the car park.
After mostly motorway travel I reached Algeciras before deciding that it was pointless continuing to Morocco and time would be better spent resting for four days in Fuengirola before returning as far as Toulouse where a colleague had agreed to store my bike and kit while i returned to work.
I was now ready.