One of the exciting things about travelling through countries where licences are virtually available to anybody who can afford the price is that you learn all sorts of manoeuvres that you would never see in Europe, ( or wish to see). I now know exactly to the centimetre how much space I can survive with when oncoming tankers decide that when overtaking, they have priority on my side of the road. I spent the rest of the journey wondering what the smell was but on arrival at the hotel my trousers were easily washed and where dry for the morning.
There was a TV documentary made by a well known celebrity that followed virtually the same route as I have been taking.The further I travel the more I come to the conclusion that theirs was a virtual journey sensationalising things to make better television. anyway without using "fixers" the border formalities ( out from Uganda and into Rwanda ) were completed in less than an hour and I was on my way.
Kigale came as a bit of a surprise and I began to wonder if it was still Africa.Not a big capital admittedly but drivers followed rules, motorcycle taxis and their passengers used helmets and there was a complete lack of litter.
The journey back was a reversal of the outwood leg and I am getting used to crowds gathering when I stop.