Wednesday, January 21, 2015



Sending the bike to Panama was very straightforward.  Everything was handled by Lyncargo . Apart from three hours getting clearance from customs for a 5 minute job the whole experience was very painless. Thank you to the various people who taught the customs officer how to use her computer.

 Once again I have been overawed by kindness people have shown me and special thanks go to " El Negro "

With El Negro

  Before travelling home a few days in Barranquilla was the order of the day.
     When faced with friendliness at every turn,  It's easy to forget how dangerous these places are. That is until you see someone with a gun held to their head being forced to hand over a mobile phone. In the middle of the day on a main road its certainly thought provoking.

 The food here in Barranquilla is excellent and I am amazed how the same staples as East Africa can be served so differently.

  Barranquilla is one of the major carnival sites in the world and I have seen the salsa and fandango first hand. You have to wonder how these places will be spoiled as tourism kicks in.