Wednesday, March 29, 2017

18/3/2017 Copan Ruinas to Guatemala City

Quick hop to the border and fairly straightforward exit and entry . The usual gathering of touts but politely declined. Bit of a shock when paying the entrance fee at the bank and discovered that they would not accept dollars, luckily one of the touts was in the queue behind me so I was able to change money .  Panic over . Funny how in the west we have smart offices doing the same job as a hoody with wads of different currencies.
 Uneventful ride to a smart hotel in the centre of Guatemala . Looks like I'm too late, I'm sure there are places of interest but Hard Rock Cafe, and all the other Chain Restaurants are not on the list of must see places.
  I must be getting old as I just wanted to rest . The going is pretty tough through mountains and the condition of the roads necesitates full concentration.